Here are some links that range from music,news, weather, vintage motocross motorcycles, motorcycle clubs, and various others
from time to time. Enjoy the ride!
The Reference Desk - Lot's of info here
Computer speed test - free - speedtest.net
Ebay - motorcycles and parts
Craig's list - the other ebay - Cbay
Mark's Vintage Swap meet
Iron Dog's dirt bike swap meet
Bike Bandit motorcycle parts - online parts fiche
Oneplace.com for alot of Christan ministries broadcast
Listen and study with pastor Chuck Swindoll
Blue Letter Bible - listen and read the bible.
Listen to: Bobby Welch-1st Baptist-Daytona
King James Online Bible
Live classic rock radio-London
Beaker Street Radio-1970's revisited- Sundays 7pm-midnite-hosted by Clyde Clifford
anywho.com - Reverse phone number finder
You tube - The video kingdom
Thumper Talk - check out forums part for motorcycle talk
Honda XL Hop up Page
Dirtrider.net- Dirt biker hangout - forums,news and everything else.
U.S. AMA Outdoor motocross -broadcast Live lap times !
CZECHPOINT-cz vintage motorcycles
Texas vintage Racing Club-Vintage motocross racing - Texas Style - For The FUN of It!
American Historic Racing Motorcyle Association -Remember when .
Past mx factory works bikes
Vintage mx stuff
Ebay- world wide auction-what ever you what , they have it!
PC Pit Stop - complete and still free computer tune-up